
Previous Exhibitions

2024 24-28th Sep, Stillness in Motion Exhibition Bermondsey Project Space, London

2023 10-26th Nov, London Group Open Exhibition Copeland Gallery, London

2022 3-6th Nov, Woolwich Contemporary Print Fair, The Fireworks Factory, London

2022 2-8 Nov, Solo Exhibition, Galerie Frank, Vienna

2021 27-31st Oct, Joint Exhibition, Saatchi Gallery, London

2020 24-27th June, Ouiouinon­non Vente 3 Exhi­bi­tion, Gallery 24 Beaubourg, Paris

2019 9th September - 19th October, Ulus­lararası Inter­na­tional Bien­ali, İstanbul

2018 London Group Joint Exhi­bi­tion, Pen­with Gallery, St Ives

2018 DDESSIN {18} PARIS, Con­tem­po­rary Draw­ing Art Fair, Paris Galerie 24Beaubourg

2016 Visual Dialects — Joint Exhi­bi­tion, Framers Gallery, London

2016 Annual Exhi­bi­tion of The London Group, Cello Fac­tory, London

2015 Solo Exhi­bi­tion,  24 Beaubourg, Paris

2015 Com­bines — Joint Exhi­bi­tion, Cello Fac­tory, London

2015 The London Group Open Exhi­bi­tion, London

2014 Solo Exhi­bi­tion - “Alchimie”.  24 Beaubourg, Paris Catalogue

2013 Royal Acad­emy of Arts London Orig­i­nal Print Fair, London

2013 The London Group Cen­te­nary Open, Cello Fac­tory, London

2013 The London Group Cen­te­nary Mem­bers’ Exhi­bi­tion, Pitzhanger Manor, London

2012 Royal Acad­emy of Arts London Orig­i­nal Print Fair, London

2011 Soci­ety of Graphic Fine Art Open Exhi­bi­tion (‘SGFA No.4’ received the Der­went Prize for best work in Exhi­bi­tion)

2011 Istan­bul Summer Exhi­bi­tion

2011 London Group Open Exhi­bi­tion at the Cello Fac­tory, London

2010 Annual Exhi­bi­tion of The London Group as a newly elected member

2010 Joint Exhi­bi­tion at Casa dell’Arte Gallery, Istan­bul

2010 Istan­bul Con­tem­po­rary Art Fair (24 Beaubourg Gallery, Paris)

2009 Routes Exhi­bi­tion, Water­house & Dodd, London

2009 Abu Dhabi Art Fair, Water­house & Dodd, London

2009 Istan­bul Con­tem­po­rary Art Fair, (with Space Stu­dios)

2008 Ital­ian Cul­tural Insti­tute London, ​“Mediter­rano — A Sea that Unites”

2008 Ankara For­eign Min­istry Exhi­bi­tion Hall Solo Exhi­bi­tion

2007 Art Paris Abu Dhabi Art Fair (With Water­house & Dodd, London)

2005 MA Show 2005, City & Guilds of London Art School

2005 Afford­able Art Fair, Bat­tersea, London

2003 Solo Exhi­bi­tion in Al Bida Gallery, Doha, Qatar

2001 Solo Exhi­bi­tion in Al-Dana Club, Doha, Qatar

1996 Solo Exhi­bi­tion at the Turk­ish Embassy, Singa­pore

1993 Joint Exhi­bi­tion in Cemal Resit Rey The­ater Hall, Istan­bul

1989 Joint Exhi­bi­tion in Urun Art Gallery, Istan­bul

1989 Solo Exhi­bi­tion in Butun Zaman­lar Art Gallery, Istan­bul

1988 Joint Exhi­bi­tion at Istan­bul Uni­ver­sity

1986 Solo Exhi­bi­tion in Vepa Art Gallery, Osman­bey, Istan­bul